L.A. girl - rep & manager

Veronica Lombardo

I’m an LA girl. That’s what my husband calls me. Born & raised on the West Side, till I die or move to Rome, Italy where my dad was from.

I’m first gen American, an only child. My first language was Spanish (I’m half Chilean), then English, French and Italian. I don’t speak any fluently anymore except for English with Italian a distant second.

I was super inquisitive as a kid so I learned quickly how to read people. I became everyone’s best friend, was the keeper of all secrets, voted most likely to work at MTV in elementary school, & best dressed in jr. high.

People often mistakenly call me Victoria, Vanessa, even sometimes Valerie. I don’t get mad, Veronica is uncommon. My nickname growing up was Vern because of the popular Ernest Worrell commercials of the 1980’s. It still is.

I got into advertising in 2002. Worked as a below-the-line talent agent at a few shops around town before I started my own which I had for 10.5 years. The industry was changing and so was I. So I started working with Production Companies & Post Houses. Now, as the Industry continues to evolve so must I, welcome New Business for the Independent Agencies servicing 1/3 of Marketers Nationwide.

My approach to business is not too dissimilar to that of my friendships. Respect, Transparency, Good Times, Good Care, Support, and Guidance. I’m in it for the long haul with both rostered clients and buyer.

Every email, every phone call, every meeting, every screening, Every Pitch, are all done with the intention of building a long term connection with people and learning something new about them in the process.

I love what I do. I love people. I love seeing an idea come to fruition after so many hands have played a part along the way. It’s the magic of the movies, which we in Advertising know a little about.

I’m happy you’re here. Now holler and let’s Chat shop.

Veronica co-founded Bid for LA, a call to action movement to bring Advertising production back to Los Angeles. She also co-found​ed the​ Alliance of Independent Representatives (“AIR”), a 501(c)6 non-profit trade organization formed to create a collective voice for independent representation & management reps worldwide.​ She now serves as Managing Director.